Mistakes and failures:

Why would we want them?

por Sara Ais.

I have lost count of how many times I have read over the course of my professional life about the importance of failures and mistakes for our learning and growing. I have even lost count of…

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Why a partnership with Howspace?

To bring real democracy into the workplace

por Arantxa Balson.

Our dream has always been to demonstrate that people can change and make organizations change if we give them enough space to create and collaborate, if we let them get…

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A very young journey that started 15 years ago

por Arantxa Balson y Sara Ais.

Our journeys supporting people and organizations started over 25 years ago. We could not have imagined then the fulfillment and the gratification of these many years working with numerous companies…

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Juego ganador:

Liderazgo, talento y cultura en las organizaciones post-COVID

por Arantxa Balson.

Todos sabíamos que llegaría, y pronto. Durante los últimos años hemos expropiado los terrenos, instalado las vías, construido las estaciones: ¡una excelente y rica oferta de trenes! Algunos hasta han realizado ya test de usuario a diversas escalas…

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¿Estamos preparados para el teletrabajo?

Lo que los líderes han de considerar para que el trabajo virtual sea efectivo.

por Sara Ais.

La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha creado una situación inesperada e imprevisible. El trabajo virtual, también conocido como teletrabajo o trabajo flexible, se ha normalizado.

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“Stop measuring what you don’t really want to happen!”

por Walter Baets.

A friend of mine reminded me an idea that I developed in my book of 2006: Complexity, Learning and Organizations: a quantum interpretation of business (Routledge).

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